The Great Lawn Debate: Cylinder Mower Vs. Rotary Mower

Hello, green thumb enthusiasts and lovers of pristine lawns! Today, I will give you the lowdown on two of the most popular types of lawnmowers: the Cylinder Mower and the Rotary Mower. Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?

Features and Benefits: Cylinder Mower Vs. Rotary Mower

Cylinder Mower

Grass clippings go flying out of a cylinder style lawn mower.
Old Style Cylinder Mower

The Cylinder Mower, my friends, is the old-school, classic choice. Its design revolves around a cylindrical cutting mechanism. This makes it fantastic for achieving that fine, cricket-pitch finish we all dream about. If you’re into stripes on your lawn, a cylinder mower will be your best bud.

Rotary Mower

Positive elderly man with lawnmower when mowing the lawn
Electric Rotary Mower

On the other side of the lawn, we have the Rotary Mower. This bad boy uses a horizontal spinning blade, making it versatile and suitable for rough and uneven terrains. If your lawn is bumpy or if you’re dealing with long grass, a rotary mower might be your knight in shining armor.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Cylinder Mower Vs. Rotary Mower

Cylinder Mower

Cylinder Mowers excel in precision cutting, giving you a clean, neat lawn. However, they struggle with longer grass and require more frequent blade sharpening.

Rotary Mower

Rotary Mowers are the rugged, all-terrain vehicles of the mowing world. They can handle all grass lengths and types. But they may not give you as fine a finish as cylinder mowers.

Pros and Cons: Cylinder Mower Vs. Rotary Mower

Cylinder Mower

Pros: Fine, precision cutting; Great for flat lawns; Gives a professional-looking finish.

Cons: Not great for long grass; Blades need regular sharpening; Usually more expensive.

Rotary Mower

Pros: Versatile; Handles uneven terrain and long grass; Usually more affordable.

Cons: Doesn’t provide a fine finish; Blades can be noisy; Might need more frequent maintenance.

Prices and Value for Money: Cylinder Mower Vs. Rotary Mower

Cylinder Mowers tend to be pricier due to their precision cutting mechanism. However, if a fine finish is what you seek, they’re worth every penny.

Rotary Mowers, on the other hand, are generally more budget-friendly. They offer excellent value, particularly for those dealing with challenging terrains and various grass lengths.

Customer Reviews and Ratings: Cylinder Mower Vs. Rotary Mower

Many customers who have purchased Cylinder Mowers have been incredibly impressed with these mowers’ aesthetics and precision. They often mention the finely manicured, professional-looking finish that a Cylinder Mower can achieve thanks to its precise, scissor-like cutting action. Users have also praised the quality of the cut, noting that it leaves their lawns looking neat and even, almost akin to a golf course or a professional sports field.

Empty striped soccer field texture, background with copy space cut with a cylinder mower

However, Cylinder Mowers do require a fair bit of maintenance. Some users have reported needing to sharpen the blades often to maintain high precision. The price tag of Cylinder Mowers is also higher, but customers feel it’s a worthwhile investment for the results they get.

On the other side, customers receive high praise from Rotary Mowers for their versatility and durability. Users appreciate the fact that these mowers can handle a variety of grass lengths and types, making them great for lawns that are a bit wilder and more natural.

Their ability to handle uneven terrain is another major plus point mentioned in reviews. Customers with bumpy or undulating lawns have found Rotary Mowers to be a game-changer. Even in tough mowing conditions, the mowers’ durability is often highlighted, making them a favorite for those seeking a low-maintenance, long-lasting option.

However, it’s worth noting that while Rotary Mowers are champions of versatility and durability, they don’t offer the same level of precision as Cylinder Mowers. Some users have pointed out that a Rotary Mower might not meet your expectations if you’re seeking that ultra-fine, professional-grade finish.

Design and Aesthetics: Cylinder Mower Vs. Rotary Mower

Both mowers have their unique aesthetics. Cylinder Mowers often have a more classic, traditional look, while Rotary Mowers usually sport a modern, utilitarian design.

Durability and Lifespan: Cylinder Mower Vs. Rotary Mower

When it comes to durability, both types hold their ground. With regular maintenance and proper care, both Cylinder and Rotary Mowers can serve you for years. That said, Rotary Mowers are more robust, especially in challenging terrains.

Performance and Functionality: Cylinder Mower Vs. Rotary Mower

Cylinder Mowers provide superior performance on flat terrains, offering a precision cut that’s hard to beat. However, they might need help in uneven landscapes.

With their ability to tackle various terrains and grass types, Rotary Mowers offer functionality that is truly hard to match.

Company Policies and Customer Support: Cylinder Mower Vs Rotary Mower

Most companies offer comparable warranties for both types of mowers. Customer support largely depends on the manufacturer, but most brands provide excellent after-sales service for both Cylinder and Rotary Mowers.

So there you have it, folks – the ultimate showdown between Cylinder Mowers and Rotary Mowers! Remember, the best choice depends on your specific needs, your lawn’s characteristics, and your personal preferences.


1. Which is better: a cylinder mower or a rotary mower?

The better choice between a cylinder mower and a rotary mower greatly depends on a few key factors: your lawn type, your specific needs, and your personal preferences.

If your lawn is flat and you’re aiming for a fine, short, and even cut – similar to a tennis court or a cricket pitch – then a cylinder mower is likely to be your best bet. Cylinder mowers use a scissor-like cutting action, which provides a precise and clean cut. They’re also great for creating those neat striped lawn effects. However, they require more maintenance and are generally more expensive.

Perfectly striped freshly mowed garden lawn in summer

On the other hand, if your lawn is a bit bumpy, has a variety of grass lengths, or if you’re dealing with weeds and tougher vegetation, a rotary mower might be more suited to your needs. Rotary mowers are versatile and robust, with a spinning blade that cuts grass at a high speed. They can handle longer grass and uneven terrains better than cylinder mowers. Plus, they’re usually more affordable and require less maintenance.

So, in summary, neither mower is categorically ‘better’ than the other. It’s all about finding the right tool for your specific lawn and needs. Do you value a fine, professional-looking finish and don’t mind a bit of extra maintenance? Go for a cylinder mower. A rotary mower is your best choice if you need something that can handle various conditions and is easy on the wallet.

2. Are cylinder mowers good for long grass?

While excellent in many aspects, Cylinder mowers are not particularly well-suited for long grass. Here’s why.

The design of a cylinder mower includes multiple blades that rotate on a horizontal axis, akin to a cylinder (hence the name). These blades provide a scissor-like cut to the grass, which is perfect for achieving a clean, precise cut on short to medium-length grass. This is why cylinder mowers are often the choice for professional groundskeepers at sports fields and golf courses, where a fine, even finish is required.

Vegetable garden overgrown with a weed grass

However, the cylinder mower’s design could be more efficient regarding long grass. The blades can need help to cut through longer, tougher grass and may even jam if the grass is too long. Moreover, the cutting mechanism can get clogged with long grass clippings, requiring frequent cleaning.

If your lawn tends to have long grass, perhaps because you’re unable to mow frequently or because you prefer a longer lawn, a cylinder mower may not be the best choice. Instead, consider a rotary mower better equipped to handle longer grass.

3. Are rotary mowers good for uneven terrain?

Absolutely! Rotary mowers are, in fact, designed with versatility in mind, making them an excellent choice for uneven terrain.

Unlike cylinder mowers, rotary mowers feature a single blade that spins horizontally. This blade is usually a bit higher, allowing the mower to traverse bumps and dips without getting stuck or scalping the lawn.

The blade’s spinning action also means it can handle longer grass, weeds, and even small twigs, making it an excellent choice for less manicured, more natural-looking lawns or areas with a mix of grass and harder-to-cut vegetation.

Moreover, many rotary mowers come with adjustable height settings. This feature lets you adapt the cutting height based on your lawn’s condition and the desired length of your grass, providing further flexibility when dealing with uneven terrain.

If your yard has a lot of undulations, bumps, or patches of rougher vegetation, a rotary mower is the best choice for you. They are robust, versatile, and can easily tackle various lawn conditions.

Conclusion: Cylinder Mower Vs. Rotary Mower – Making the Right Choice

And there you have it, the great lawn debate: Cylinder Mower Vs. Rotary Mower. In this gardening journey, we’ve explored the ins and outs of both these fantastic machines, giving you the lowdown on their features, benefits, strengths, and weaknesses.

We’ve seen how the Cylinder Mower creates a clean, precise cut that is ideal for flat terrains and gives your lawn a professional, manicured look. On the flip side, we’ve discovered the Rotary Mower’s versatility and toughness, handling uneven terrains and long grass with aplomb.

While customer reviews highlight the aesthetic appeal and precision of Cylinder Mowers, they also applaud Rotary Mowers for their durability and adaptability. The cost, lifespan, and company policies vary for both, but most brands provide excellent after-sales service.

Remember, there’s no clear-cut winner here (no pun intended!). The choice between a Cylinder Mower and a Rotary Mower depends on your specific needs, the nature of your lawn, and your personal preferences. It’s about finding a tool that doesn’t just do the job but does it in a way that suits you best.

So, as you stand on the brink of this decision, I hope this guide has armed you with all the information you need to make the right choice. Here’s to many happy days of mowing ahead, and may your lawn always be the envy of your neighbors!

Hi there, I’m Mark Apletree, a gardening enthusiast with a passion for gardening, and gardening tools. I’ll be your go-to guide for all things related to gardening. The purpose of this website is to assist you in selecting the most suitable garden gear that meets your specific requirements.

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