Simplifying Gardening For You

Elevated View of a garden
Gardening can be difficult.
Especially when you have no experience. And it’s hard to find a trusted source of information you can rely on.

my latest gardening posts

Short haired young woman gardening at her raised planter box.

How To Garden in a Raised Bed

A question we get asked a lot here at Our Gardening World is, How to Garden in a Raised Bed? Raised bed gardening is a method where soil is enclosed in a frame that sits above the ground. Imagine a large container without a bottom, filled with rich, loose soil. Raised beds are perfect for …

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Pink and White Petunias on the flower bed along with the grass

Common Gardening Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

New gardeners often jump into gardening with enthusiasm but miss a critical step: soil preparation. Insufficient soil preparation is the most common mistake I see, and it can make or break your garden. Good soil is fundamental. Imagine trying to build a house on a weak foundation—it’s bound to collapse. A garden without properly prepared …

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Welcome to Our Gardening World, a community for all gardening enthusiasts! We understand that gardening can be a challenging activity, especially if you are a beginner. That’s why we have created a platform where you can learn and share your experiences with other gardeners.

Our Gardening World was founded by Mark, an avid gardener, who recognized the need for a supportive community for people who are passionate about gardening. Mark understands the challenges that come with gardening, and his desire to help others led him to create Our Gardening World.

Mark built this site as an outlet to not only grow his garden but also as a way to grow as a person. His passion for gardening has given him a sense of fulfillment and a way to connect with nature. He believes that gardening is not just a hobby, but it’s a lifestyle that can positively impact one’s mental and physical well-being.

At Our Gardening World, we offer a range of resources to help you start and maintain your garden. We have a team of experienced gardeners who are always ready to share their knowledge and offer advice. Our community forum is a place where you can connect with other gardeners, ask questions, and share your gardening experiences.

I also run a coffee blog called Just Another Cuppa Coffee which takes up a huge amount of my time, so gardening has given me that relaxation time out of the office.

We are committed to helping you achieve your gardening goals, whether you are a beginner or an experienced gardener. Our Gardening World is your go-to resource for all things gardening. Join us today, and let’s create a beautiful world together!

Hi there, I’m Mark Apletree, a gardening enthusiast with a passion for gardening, and gardening tools. I’ll be your go-to guide for all things related to gardening. The purpose of this website is to assist you in selecting the most suitable garden gear that meets your specific requirements.

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